Friday, June 21, 2013

The Lily Lysander: The Star Crossed Survivor

Some Music to Set the Mood

Having recovered from the ghastly incident with Mr. Covelli, and finding myself with a little time on my hands to write, the interviews are all set to continue. Todays subject is the dear Miss/Mister Lily Lysander, who I am told I am allowed to refer to as she throughout the duration of this article.

For those of you who don't know Lily, her story is a strange and sad tale of Hope, Endurance, and above all Love. And don't turn up your noses at the corniness of my prose, because everyone can use a little corn in the diet.

Lily was born and raised in Virginia by her father, who has constantly been appraised as her most adored role model over the years. Her father, a local police officer, raised her single handedly, a feat that is simple for no single parent, a police officer aside. We all know long hours are common there. "He always stood by me and taught me how to be a good person," she says in the interview. Even upon learning of his daughters identity as gender-fluid, this father continued to support and love her, something not all parents are known for. Unfortunately, a phrase you'll be hearing a lot in this article, Lily's father was killed while on duty, the event that became the catalyst for her situation now. After her father's untimely death, Lily was thrust into a financially difficult situation. She was forced out of her home, and onto the streets, which is where she met Sam.

Over the course of two years, the two of them shared a friendship that evolved overtime into a romance. However, unbeknownst to Lily, Sam was being stalked by a certain tall and slender gentleman we all know, and like most love stories involving killer monsters, the two were hopelessly star-crossed. Just as Lily was beginning to suspect Sam was hiding something, the poor lad met an untimely end, opening the gate for The Slender Man to now come after her.

It was at this point Lily began her blog In Memorium, which can be found here, not yet aware of her place inside of this horrendous mystery, but instead recording her relationship with Sam, and dedicating her blog to his memory.

Lily is a tender hearted person, sentimental and loving in many respects. That's not to say she isn't fiercely independent and strong willed, for as many can see she has been relentless in her endeavors stopping at nothing to help those nearest to her. Some would say this strong-will could be a mark of ill-judgement at times, seeing as she has made some dangerous mistakes, such as pursuing a false lead that Sam may have still been alive, but it is rare to find one who follows the heart as opposed to the mind, and such people are often times more insightful to the true priorities of the world. Lily may very well be one of the few runners this reporter has encountered, who values her humanity more than her own life, which is a very valiant and admirable trait indeed.

Currently Lily is still homeless and traveling with her adopted daughter Nina, whom she discovered not long ago. She claims her troubles with the Slender Man are over and done with, though how she is certain I do not know. Her main focus now lies in providing for her new daughter, who has recently been suffering from an illness. When questioning whether or not Lily found herself truly capable of caring for a child in her financial state, while also being unable to take Nina to a hospital, as well of the threat of Slenderman, Lily assured me that she was able to care for her. She has suspicions Lily is a victim of abuse, and would like to protect her from society. Another example of her loving and protective nature.

To read all of Lily's blog entries please click the link above.

In a side note I would like to add that in regards to the claim that Angelo Covelli made, that me an my companions are trapped in the empty city. Nothing is for certain yet, so please do not encourage us to sip the Koolaid yet, (Phil.) We will see this thing through before we make any decision and hope for the best. Perhaps even if this is the Empty City, there is still a way to escape. You don't know until you've tried, and that is what we intend to do.

This is Johnny Marconi saying sleep tight Runners of the world.

Stay hopeful and strong!


  1. Aw sir I like your prose, you have a passion for what you do and it shows.

    Lily is so strong, I really admire that, she gave me a lot of advice for living on the streets.

  2. I can ignore the prose for the most part, but you capitalise love, hope etc. and thst mkes me sad.

    1. I have an excuse. on my blog. Divk.

    2. Hardy fucking har. sude gets totured, what a fucking riot. Youre a pretty sick sonnofabitch. wee bit twisted.

    3. You picked an inopportune moment to pick at spelling.

    4. I wasnt pucking at spelling. Your spelling is dine. But the use of caputals impliea a wordyingly bkack an white viewpoint (i rhink) and that can lead to extemesm, which xan leas to unnecessary seath. Wjy would i give a shit how you soell?

    5. Goodness I couldn't even understand that one. These comments are incomprehensible.

    6. Use of capitals supports rhe view that you see rhings in black and white, morality wise. That can lead to extremism- after all, if the other side if that bad, you can cross any line and still know that you're right. That leads ti suffering, and that makes me sad.

  3. My fucking GOD too many WORDS!! I just want to cut out your wee little overused tongue and stuff it down your motherfucking cock-sucking throat! Fuck you and fuck this blog and fuck your interviews!

    At least they let me know who to eat, I suppose.....

    1. That is some strong language there. I can see you have very little appreciation for the arts.

    2. Its udually easier to read if you skip every other word.
